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Wholesale 100% biodegradable corn starch fruit plastic preservation bags

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Q1:what's the characteristics about the biodegradable film?

;A1: It is produced with pure biodegradable materials, without any chemical components, toxic and harmful substances. It has no bad effects on land, and can be used as fertilizer after it has been used.


Q2:Can I adjust thedegradationtime of biodegradable film?

A2: Yes, we can control thedegradationtime of the film from 30 to 90 days.


Q3: Do you have field experiments about your prouducts and how about the result?

A3: We had done the field experiments on our products in Mianyang City, Pingwu District, and Xinjiang County, Kashi. And it was effective in degragation time while with on bad effects on the land.

Sichuan Kaiyuanchuangyi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 816-2990904
  • Business Type: Manufacturer
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: packaging bag,Plastic box,Plastics
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:2009
  • Export Markets:
  • Total Annual Revenue: