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One Step Tumor Marker Fecal Occult Blood FOB Test Kit Transferrin TF Test Strip

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EXW Price: 
US $0.22
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US $-.-- / shipping cost needed to be confirmed by seller
US $2,200.00 (not including shipping cost)

One Step Tumor Marker Fecal Occult Blood FOB Test Kit Transferrin TF Test Strip


1. Product description

Intended use                                                                                            This product is used for the qualitative detection of transferrin in human feces, which provides a reference for the diagnosis of gastrointestinal bleeding.


  1. Strong specificity

  2. High sensitivity

  3. Simple operation and could be used at home

2. Parameter

One Step Tumor Marker Fecal Occult Blood FOB Test Kit Transferrin TF Test Strip

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 Diagnostic IGFBP-1 Preterm Rapid Test

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