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New arrival manual purifier water dispenser machine

EXW Price: 
US $123.00
192 + pieces
< >
- + pieces
From China
US $-.-- / shipping cost needed to be confirmed by seller
US $23,616.00 (not including shipping cost)

RO membrane

Aperture 0.0001um, ultra high filtration accuracy.

Only allow water molecule and dissolved oxygen pass through, remove all heavy metal ions, particular matters, bacteria, virus and other impurities.

Adopt DOW, GE membrane sheet which imported directly from America;

Adopt Delstar net which imported directly from America;

Adopt H.B Fuller glue which imported directly from America;

Suzhou Shuiyuan Electric Appliance Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 512-18621718845
  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: reverse osmosis water system, water filter, water purifier, water dispenser, water cooler
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:
  • Export Markets:
  • Total Annual Revenue: