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Multifunctional hydraulic cable lug crimper wire rope crimping tool

EXW Price: 
a Set of
US $680.00
1 - 49a Set of
US $500.00
50 + a Set of
< >
- + a Set of
From China
US $-.-- / shipping cost needed to be confirmed by seller
US $680.00 (not including shipping cost)




Main Features

1. Suitable for crimping in narrow working space

2. Super quick, light, easy operation

3. 18V Li-ion battery, short charging time

4. Automatic pressure-relief at Max. pressure




Xuzhou Suzhong Boyuan Electrical Equipment Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 516-83767125
  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: cable scissors, bolt cutters, electric construction tools, personal labor safety protection, electrical hardware
  • Total Employees:100-500 people
  • Year Established:
  • Export Markets:Domestic Market,Asia,Europe,Africa
  • Total Annual Revenue: