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China Manufacturer 0.75mmpb x-ray lead apron for radiology protect

EXW Price: 
US $60.00
1 + Sets
< >
- + Set
From China
US $-.-- / shipping cost needed to be confirmed by seller
US $60.00 (not including shipping cost)

lead apron

Radiology x ray lead apron,dental clinic x-ray lead apron

The vests protect the upper body from radiation. As a standard all vests have padded shoulders for additional comfort.

It evenly transfers its weight from the shoulders to the waist area. It attaches to the body with a velcro on the left-hand shoulder area

and Velcro waist straps on the front.


Skirt protects the lower body region. It achieves the lead equivalence (0.50mm Pb or 0.35mm Pb) by fully overlapping on the front side.



Product Name

  Radiology x ray lead apron,dental clinic x-ray lead apron


Vest and Skirt


S/M/L or customized

Lead equivalent



Around 4KG






CT-Scan Room

Lead apron Feature:

1.If the size does not suit your needs, you can custom-size your apron. Custom embroidery is also available.


2.Your name/ department or logo can be stitched in two locations - on the shoulder or on a pocket of the front apron.


3.Protection thicknesses:


0.50mm Pb:


Vest: 0.50mm Pb at front, 0.25mm Pb overlap at rear (0.125mm Pb each rear flap).

Skirt: 0.50mm Pb at frontal overlap (0.25mm Pb each front flap), 0.25mm Pb at rear



0.35mm Pb


Vest: 0.35mm Pb at front, 0.25mm Pb overlap at rear (0.125mm Pb each rear flap)

Skirt: 0.35mm Pb at frontal overlap (0.175mm Pb each front flap), 0.25mm Pb at rear.



1.Male and Female Vest and Skirt Aprons

2.Front and Back Protection Style Apron

3.Comfortable Shoulder Pads for Maximum Comfort

4.Custom Embroidery

5.Many Choices of Stylish Patterns and Colors

6.Special requests (e.g. availability of larger sizes, different protection thicknesses)


lead apron

lead apron

lead apron

lead apron

X ray Protective Cap

X ray Protective Cap

X ray Protective Cap

X ray Protective Cap

X ray Protective Cap

Suzhou Healife Medical Supplies Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 512-65626022
  • Business Type: Manufacturer
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: Radiation Protective Aprons,Lead Acrylic Face Shield,Lead Glasses,Full Acrylic Lead Barrier,Suspension X-Ray Barrier
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:
  • Export Markets:
  • Total Annual Revenue: