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Best Selling Backpack Laptop Twotone

Sold By
EXW Price: 
US $7.00
500 + pieces
< >
- + pieces
From China
US $-.-- / shipping cost needed to be confirmed by seller
US $3,500.00 (not including shipping cost)

Product Description

Best Selling Backpack Laptop Twotone 

* Twotone materail.

* Full Lining.

* Laptop

* Aluminum hand

* Organize


Company Profile

The company mainly to do what, how many people, how many classification products, can show the strength of serveral aspects, whether the advantages of productions logistics process and after-sales service. What kind of products are displayed.

  • Phone: +86 15967354804
  • Business Type:
  • Location: China
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  • Total Employees:
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  • Total Annual Revenue: