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Hot Sale 5005 5052 5083 5754 Aluminum Sheet Plate for Construction, Tanker, Marine Use

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Goods Description

1000 series aluminum plate has high purity of more than 99% and it is widely used in industry. 

3000 series aluminum plate has good anti-rust property and is commonly used in the humid environment of air conditioning, refrigerator and car bottom. 

5000 series products' main characteristics are low density, high tensile strength and high elongation.

6000 series belongs to Al-Si-Mg alloy, so it has the advantages of 4000 series and 5000 series.

Xuzhou Wanpeng Aluminum Industry Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 516-13775976176
  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: aluminum plate, aluminum sheet, aluminum coil, aluminum foil, aluminum profile
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:
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