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Dog disposable drawstring car trash bag holder

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What is a biodegradable?

Biodegradation refers to the use of biological methods to accelerate the degradation of the natural environment of the material is difficult to degrade.

The raw material of this product is made from the original biodegradable copolyester (PBAT) and purePoly lactic acid (PLA) raw materials.

After the use of pure biodegradable bags discarded in the composting conditions can be 100% degradation of the final metabolism of water andCarbon dioxide.

Sichuan Kaiyuanchuangyi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 816-2990904
  • Business Type: Manufacturer
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: packaging bag,Plastic box,Plastics
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:2009
  • Export Markets:
  • Total Annual Revenue: