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Agricultural PBAT PLAD biodegradable breathable Plastic film

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1, the   environmental degradation of agricultural film refers to the exposure to   natural environmental conditions in the combined effect of light, heat,   water, oxygen, pollutants, microorganisms, insects, wind, sand, rain and   mechanical force, a new type of film induced degradation.

2, the   environmental degradation of agricultural film is divided into two stages of   coverage and degradation:

1) covering the   period: the period of time the crops need insulation, moisture, moisture.

2) the   degradation period: the period of time to enter the degradation period.


Agricultural PBAT PLAD biodegradable breathable Plastic film

Product Name


(thickness *   width) mm

Covering period   (days)

Deviation time   (days)

Environmental   degradable plastic film

Cotton film


According to   customer requirements


Smoke film


According to   customer requirements


Corn film


According to   customer requirements


Watermelon film


According to   customer requirements


Pepper film


According to   customer requirements


Eggplant film


According to   customer requirements


Cucumber film


According to   customer requirements


Tomato film


According to   customer requirements


Pumpkin film


According to   customer requirements


Potato film


According to   customer requirements


Peanut film


According to   customer requirements



Time can be set  PBAT PLAD biodegradable breathable Plastic film 

1, covering time   is controlled, according to the use of natural conditions and crop target   coverage period, according to the requirements of the user tailored formula,   control coverage time, to cover the time after automatic degradation.

2, save labor   costs, the use of automatic degradation, no need to pick up the membrane   (recycling).

3, a year after   the residue rate is below 20%, the residue has lost strength, and continue to   degrade, final metabolites into water and carbon dioxide, complete   degradation, no two pollution.


The overall   color film film surface into the degradation period of dark, transverse and   longitudinal tension tension decreased; the membrane surface appears   irregular crack, with the extension period, the membrane surface gradually   showing the icing and melting shape. Because of the difference between the   soil surface and the soil environment, the plastic film buried in the soil   was slightly slower than that on the soil surface.

Sichuan Kaiyuanchuangyi Biotechnology Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 816-2990904
  • Business Type: Manufacturer
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: packaging bag,Plastic box,Plastics
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:2009
  • Export Markets:
  • Total Annual Revenue: