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1 person white acrylic massage bathtub indoor spa bath tub bathtub

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1. The surfing bubble is equipped with a motor. If you want to open bubbles and surf, be sure to release water to test. Please use dear friends according to the use method!

2. Be sure to keep in mind when using may not be just pour boiling water in the pool, to avoid damages to the pool, should first put cold water before put hot water, maintain between 38 and 40 ℃ temperature.

Shenyang Anqiwode Commerce And Trade Co., Ltd.

  • Phone: +86 024-18278888185
  • Business Type: Trading Company
  • Location: China
  • Main Products: Swimming Pool, Baby Bathtub
  • Total Employees:Less than 100 people
  • Year Established:
  • Export Markets:
  • Total Annual Revenue: